Friday, December 09, 2005

I used to spin around in circles, slow than fast around and around and around until I was completely disoriented and out of control. I used to think that was fun.

I have discovered that good things sometimes can feel so bad, and that bad things can sometimes feel so good.
It's this inner pressure that is all scrunched up, wrapped around your insides. Sometimes all it takes is a moment when you're not paying attention-- and then it's gone.

it's crazy how you can love someone so much that it rips you in half.

I look at myself in the mirror and never really see myself. The mirror is an abstraction of myself.

I lit a cigarette and cried hysterically. I thought I was cracking-- this is it, I've finally officially gone "crazy." I wasn't thinking anything; I wasn't feeling anything. All I knew was that I was hysterically crying and chain smoking a single cigarette and felt absolutely nuts. I wanted to sit in a corner and rock back and forth. Would that soothe me? It was beyond my own control, and I couldn't even explain my own tears.


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