I got an email today from a dear friend that I haven't talked to in awhile, but it's always amazing to me how connected people can be. This friend ended the email with "Hope you're Thriving." I was surprised to see the word thriving because it's a word that I recently have been focused on. I quickly glanced through my sent box to see if I had forgotten that I had sent her an email sharing with her my thoughts on thriving versus surviving, but I couldn't find one. It made me smile knowing that this person was connected to me and how I've been feeling, without even talking to me.
I've been surviving for a long time now. Surviving is "fine" and managable, but is it really how I want to be living my life? It takes so much energy to live day to day in a survival state. I tend to get through the hours, the days, the weeks but am I enjoying them? Not so much.
Surviving is sometimes a necessary state. I know I went into this mode to get through a challenging period in my life, I felt that I had no choice because I needed to stay where I was, and finish what I started. I had to survive.
But, Now.....
I am sooooooooo DONE with simply surviving! I want to find an environment that I can thrive in! I deserve to be happy atleast some of the time! I deserve to want to wake up in the morning and start my day! I should be exhausted at the end of my day because I've been creative and focused my energy on helping people all day, rather than filling my days with humdrum business.
I need to thrive.
To be within walls that have no foundation is scary.
Holes capture words and throw threats at one another.
Mix-matched shards of glass crumble under our feet--
with each tiptoe forward our blood trickles down
until we are knee-deep in bloodied glass-
our own blood marking the walls-
why pit us against each other?
The humdrum filled with daggers and cockroaches-
turn and walk away, rinsing the glass and blood,
simply leaving our bloodied remains behind.
I have spent my whole life making sure that my children did more than survive. People always said and continue to say ,"they'll survive." And I would always say, " I don't want them to just survive, I want them to thrive." And of course the same for myself and my husband. To know the difference between the two means you are already on the path of thriving, now it's just figuring out how to make it happen. This is the place that I think most of us get lost because we try to do it on our own and that is impossible. God gives us the desires of our heart and that is where the desire to thrive has come from. He has all the answers. It is through Christ that we thrive. He is the one that sets us free from the burden that surviving creates within us. I am excited for you. The truth will set you free. Truth is God calls us to thrive and when we try to do it all ourselves that is when we survive. The thought of thriving can actually be scary though, well maybe not thriving but the thought on not just surviving. Allowing ourselves to thrive involves a certain amount of vulnerability and allowing those around us who love us so much to help take care of us. It is God who has planted these people in our lives to help us thrive. And then after we have allowed all those who love us into our lives the last person standing in line is Christ himself waiting patiently and with lovo read what they find useful and entertaining. Too much stress is put on the medium - in the end, it's either good journalism or bad journalism, and that is what counts.
What is the hardest thing about maintaining an online newspaper?
I don't think it's any harder than starting up and
pax said...
I have spent my whole life making sure that my children did more than survive. People always said and continue to say ,"they'll survive." And I would always say, " I don't want them to just survive, I want them to thrive." And of course the same for myself and my husband. To know the difference between the two means you are already on the path of thriving, now it's just figuring out how to make it happen. This is the place that I think most of us get lost because we try to do it on our own and that is impossible. God gives us the desires of our heart and that is where the desire to thrive has come from. He has all the answers. It is through Christ that we thrive. He is the one that sets us free from the burden that surviving creates within us. I am excited for you. The truth will set you free. Truth is, God calls us to thrive and when we try to do it all ourselves that is when we survive. The thought of thriving can actually be scary though, well maybe not thriving but the thought on not just surviving. Allowing ourselves to thrive involves a certain amount of vulnerability and allowing those around us who love us so much to help take care of us. It is God who has planted these people in our lives to help us thrive. And then after we have allowed all those who love us into our lives the last person standing in line is Christ himself waiting patiently and with love greater than we can ever imagine for us to sit with him and allow ourselves to be engulfed by his embrace, so that no matter what situation we find ourselves we are thriving. We begin anew each day on the path of thriving.
Autumn as I sent my comments it was taking a very long time and then something came up that said it could not be sent. Then comments from anonymous came up and they were most of my comments until the end. My last sentences were gone and replaced with someone elses writings. I republished mine under Pax, maybe you can erase anonymous' comments. Thank you. pax
I do not know why it continues to say anonymous as i put the name pax. Each comment you have received thus far is from pax, though as I said the long one starts out with pax's words until the end.
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